For this little intro to Swift reversing with r2 we will use the iGoat app. Get it from here. Our goal is to get a feeling of how does a disassembled iOS Swift app look like.
This is a Swift version of original iGoat Objective C project. Using OWASP iGoat, you can learn exploiting and defending vulnerabilities in iOS Swift applications.
Let’s play with the Keychain Exercise: KeychainExerciseVC.swift.
class KeychainExerciseVC: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var usernameTextField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var passwordTextField: UITextField!
override func viewDidLoad() {
secureStore(userName: "iGoat", password: "taoGi")
func secureStore(userName: String, password: String) {
do {
// This is a new account, create a new keychain item with the account name.
let passwordItem = KeychainPasswordItem(service: "SaveUser",
account: userName,
accessGroup: nil)
// Save the password for the new item.
try passwordItem.savePassword(password)
} catch {
fatalError("Error updating keychain - \(error)")
As soon as viewDidLoad()
gets called it will call secureStore
with userName: "iGoat"
and password: "taoGi"
. This is what we will investigate here: how does these methods look like in the disassembly.
Before we start we have to thin the binary. This can be done of course using radare2’s rabin2
$ cd Payload/
$ rabin2 -x iGoat-Swift
This creates a folder iGoat-Swift.fat/
including the two binaries (32/64 bit).
Open the 32 bit binary, do the analysis and enable the string emulation:
Be careful when using
, it can take very long for other apps, I knew it was safe so that’s why I use it here)
$ r2 -e bin.demanglecmd=true -e emu.str=true iGoat-Swift.fat/iGoat-Swift.arm_32.0
[0x000bfe60]> aaaa
Notice that we won’t find the swift symbols we would like to have (the ones from the app itself). The only thing we will have is demangled symbols from the standard library (see is~..
Let’s see what we can find about swift among the sections of the binary:
09 0x0022f400 10501 0x00233400 10501 -r-x 9.__TEXT.__swift3_typeref
10 0x00231d08 456 0x00235d08 456 -r-x 10.__TEXT.__swift3_assocty
11 0x00231ed0 656 0x00235ed0 656 -r-x 11.__TEXT.__swift2_proto
12 0x00232160 3284 0x00236160 3284 -r-x 12.__TEXT.__swift3_fieldmd
13 0x00232e34 60 0x00236e34 60 -r-x 13.__TEXT.__swift3_builtin
14 0x00232e70 2772 0x00236e70 2772 -r-x 14.__TEXT.__swift3_reflstr
16 0x002339ec 1552 0x002379ec 1552 -r-x 16.__TEXT.__swift3_capture
See that __swift3_reflstr
? Yes, it is using reflection.
That’s not good for our current approach (inspect the binary using only r2, static-only approach), we cannot expect to find much within the disassembly. We will learn how to get more information in future articles (spoiler: also involving r2). For now, we will see how far we can go and how much of the code we can recognize without having all that information.
Let’s pretend we have not seen the source code and we want to find this “Keychain Exercise”.
I assume you already know a bit of radare2 so I won’t explain the commands. If you don’t know what they do just open r2 and ask. For example, you want to know what ic does?: type ic?
$ r2 --
-- Radare2, what else?
[0x00000000]> ic?
| ic List classes, methods and fields
| icc List classes, methods and fields in Header Format
Watch a video if you’re lazy to ask. This one from r2con 2018 for example.
First we can take a look at the classes:
ic~+class | grep iGoat
0x00281678 [0x000efe48 - 0x000f0378] (sz 1328) class 0 iGoat_Swift.HTMLViewController
0x002816b0 [0x000f4b48 - 0x000f4d60] (sz 536) class 0 iGoat_Swift.CenterContainmentSegue
0x002816c8 [0x000f4f68 - 0x000f5578] (sz 1552) class 0 iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC
0x002816ec [0x000f86bc - 0x000f8a6c] (sz 944) class 0 iGoat_Swift.CutAndPasteExerciseVC
0x00281704 [0x000f8bf0 - 0x000f92c4] (sz 1748) class 0 iGoat_Swift.BinaryPatchingVC
0x00281720 [0x000f94e4 - 0x000f9fa8] (sz 2756) class 0 iGoat_Swift.URLSchemeAttackExerciseVC
There we can find iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC
in the address 0x002816c8
Another option would be to take a look at the flags (f
) and grep (~
) case insensitive (+
) for Keychain
[0x00044798]> f~+Keychain
0x001f2330 38 str.TtC11iGoat_Swift18KeychainExerciseVC
0x001f2450 26 str.Error_updating_keychain
0x001f4ccf 52 str.Unexpected_error__d_deleting_identity_from_keychain
0x001f801a 49 str.CBLOpenIDConnectAuthorizer_keychainAttributes
0x001f80fd 34 str.:_No_ID_token_found_in_Keychain
0x001f8170 32 str.:_Read_ID_token_from_Keychain
0x002816c8 1 class.iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC
0x000f4f68 1 method.iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC.usernameTextField
0x000f4f8c 1 method.iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC.setUsernameTextField:
0x000f4fa4 1 method.iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC.passwordTextField
0x000f4fc8 1 method.iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC.setPasswordTextField:
0x000f4fe0 1 method.iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC.viewDidLoad
0x000f5094 1 method.iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC.loginActionWithSender:
0x000f5290 368 method.iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC.initWithNibName:bundle:
0x000f5578 1 method.iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC.initWithCoder:
Again, we see the class iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC
in the address 0x002816c8
We can also get the full information about this class:
[0x00044f44]> ic iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC
class iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC
0x000f4f68 method iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC usernameTextField
0x000f4f8c method iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC setUsernameTextField:
0x000f4fa4 method iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC passwordTextField
0x000f4fc8 method iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC setPasswordTextField:
0x000f4fe0 method iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC viewDidLoad
0x000f5094 method iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC loginActionWithSender:
0x000f5290 method iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC initWithNibName:bundle:
0x000f5578 method iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC initWithCoder:
0x000f5140 method iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC .cxx_destruct
Notice the method viewDidLoad
located at 0x000f4fe0
Tip: use icc
for a nice c-header-like output:
@interface iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC :
- (void) setUsernameTextField:
- (void) setPasswordTextField:
- (void) viewDidLoad
- (void) loginActionWithSender:
If you want you can save it to a file icc > iGoat-Swift.arm_32.0.h
or just display it with the internal less: icc~..
Why are we insterested in the viewDidLoad
func viewDidLoad(): This method is called after the view controller has loaded its view hierarchy into memory. This method is called regardless of whether the view hierarchy was loaded from a nib file or created programmatically in the loadView() method. You usually override this method to perform additional initialization on views that were loaded from nib files.
There we will find the main code of the exercise. If we seek to 0x000f4fe0
, we see it was tagged as method.iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC.viewDidLoad
(we’ve seen this before in the flags).
We have found our “entry point”, let’s inspect it closely.
r2 shows the following disassembly:
[0x000f4ff4]> pdf
;-- method.iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC.viewDidLoad:
╭ (fcn) sub.objc_retain_fe0 180
│ sub.objc_retain_fe0 ();
│ ; var int local_0h @ sp+0x0
│ ; var int local_4h @ sp+0x4
│ ; var int local_8h @ sp+0x8
│ ; var int local_ch @ sp+0xc
│ ; UNKNOWN XREF from str. (+0x14)
│ 0x000f4fe0 b0402de9 push {r4, r5, r7, lr}
│ 0x000f4fe4 08708de2 add r7, sp, 8
│ 0x000f4fe8 10d04de2 sub sp, sp, 0x10 ; "T"
│ 0x000f4fec e4560ce3 movw r5, 0xc6e4
│ 0x000f4ff0 0040a0e1 mov r4, r0
│ 0x000f4ff4 185040e3 movt r5, 0x18
│ 0x000f4ff8 05509fe7 ldr r5, [0x000f5000] ; [0xf5000:4]=0xe3550000
│ 0x000f4ffc 0aae03eb bl sym.imp.objc_retain
│ ; DATA XREF from sub.objc_retain_fe0 (0xf4ff8)
│ 0x000f5000 000055e3 cmp r5, 0
│ ╭─< 0x000f5004 0a00001a bne 0xf5034 ; likely
│ │ 0x000f5008 2c0009e3 movw r0, 0x902c
│ │ 0x000f500c 180040e3 movt r0, 0x18
│ │ 0x000f5010 00008fe0 add r0, pc, r0
│ │ 0x000f5014 080080e2 add r0, r0, 8 ; 0x27e04c ; aav.0x0027e04c
│ │ 0x000f5018 6076ffeb bl sym.func.000d29a0; sym.func.000d29a0(0x27e04c)
│ │ 0x000f501c 0050a0e1 mov r5, r0 ; aav.0x0027e04c
│ │ 0x000f5020 b0060ce3 movw r0, 0xc6b0
│ │ 0x000f5024 180040e3 movt r0, 0x18
│ │ 0x000f5028 5bf07ff5 dmb ish
│ │ 0x000f502c 00008fe0 add r0, pc, r0
│ │ 0x000f5030 005080e5 str r5, [r0]
│ │ ; CODE XREF from sub.objc_retain_fe0 (0xf5004)
│ ╰─> 0x000f5034 08408de5 str r4, [sp + local_8h]
│ 0x000f5038 08008de2 add r0, sp, 8
│ 0x000f503c 0c508de5 str r5, [sp + local_ch]
│ 0x000f5040 641203e3 movw r1, 0x3264 ; 'd2'
│ 0x000f5044 181040e3 movt r1, 0x18
│ 0x000f5048 01109fe7 ldr r1, [0x000f5050] ; [0xf5050:4]=0xe30a085c
│ 0x000f504c e6ad03eb bl sym.imp.objc_msgSendSuper2
│ ; DATA XREF from sub.objc_retain_fe0 (0xf5048)
│ 0x000f5050 5c080ae3 movw r0, 0xa85c
│ 0x000f5054 0010a0e3 mov r1, 0
│ 0x000f5058 0f0040e3 movt r0, 0xf
│ 0x000f505c 30330de3 movw r3, 0xd330
│ 0x000f5060 0f3040e3 movt r3, 0xf
│ 0x000f5064 04108de5 str r1, [sp + local_4h]
│ 0x000f5068 0510a0e3 mov r1, 5
│ 0x000f506c 00008fe0 add r0, pc, r0 ; 0x1ef8d0 ; "iGoat" ; str.iGoat
│ 0x000f5070 03308fe0 add r3, pc, r3 ; 0x1f23a8 ; "taoGi" ; str.taoGi
│ 0x000f5074 00108de5 str r1, [sp]
│ 0x000f5078 0510a0e3 mov r1, 5
│ 0x000f507c 0020a0e3 mov r2, 0
│ 0x000f5080 c50100eb bl sub.SaveUser_79c
│ 0x000f5084 0400a0e1 mov r0, r4
│ 0x000f5088 e3ad03eb bl sym.imp.objc_release
│ 0x000f508c 08d047e2 sub sp, r7, 8
╰ 0x000f5090 b080bde8 pop {r4, r5, r7, pc} ; r13
Method summary:
[0x000f4ff4]> pds
0x000f4ffc bl sym.imp.objc_retain
0x000f5018 bl sym.func.000d29a0
0x000f504c bl sym.imp.objc_msgSendSuper2
0x000f506c str.iGoat
0x000f5070 str.taoGi
0x000f5080 bl sub.SaveUser_79c
0x000f5088 bl sym.imp.objc_release
;-- method.iGoat_Swift.KeychainExerciseVC.loginActionWithSender::
0x000f50a8 bl sym.imp.objc_retain
0x000f50b0 bl sym.imp.objc_retain
0x000f50b8 bl sub.swift_unknownWeakLoadStrong_d5c
0x000f50c0 bl sym.imp.objc_release
0x000f50d0 b sym.imp.objc_release
Things to notice here:
func viewDidLoad()
turns into an objc_retain: sub.objc_retain_fe0
and taoGi
using these strings.The subroutine sub.SaveUser_79c
is located in 0x000f579c
[0x000f4ff4]> s sub.SaveUser_79c
[0x000f579c]> pdf
╭ (fcn) sub.SaveUser_79c 516
│ sub.SaveUser_79c ();
│ ; var int local_0h @ sp+0x0
│ ; var int local_4h @ sp+0x4
│ ; var int local_8h @ sp+0x8
│ ; var int local_ch @ sp+0xc
│ ; var int local_10h @ sp+0x10
│ ; var int local_14h @ sp+0x14
│ ; var int local_18h @ sp+0x18
│ ; var int local_1ch @ sp+0x1c
│ ; var int local_20h @ sp+0x20
│ ; var int local_24h @ sp+0x24
│ ; var int local_28h @ sp+0x28
│ ; var int local_2ch @ sp+0x2c
│ ; var int local_30h @ sp+0x30
│ ; var int local_34h @ sp+0x34
│ ; var int local_48h @ sp+0x48
│ ; var int local_4ch @ sp+0x4c
│ ; CALL XREF from sub.objc_retain_fe0 (0xf5080)
│ 0x000f579c f0402de9 push {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
│ 0x000f57a0 0c708de2 add r7, sp, 0xc
│ 0x000f57a4 00052de9 push {r8, sl}
│ 0x000f57a8 028b2ded vpush {d8}
│ 0x000f57ac 58d04de2 sub sp, sp, 0x58 ; 'X'
│ 0x000f57b0 0340a0e1 mov r4, r3
│ 0x000f57b4 a53b0ce3 movw r3, 0xcba5
│ 0x000f57b8 0f3040e3 movt r3, 0xf
│ 0x000f57bc 0c5097e5 ldr r5, [r7, 0xc]
│ 0x000f57c0 03308fe0 add r3, pc, r3 ; 0x1f236d ; "SaveUser" ; str.SaveUser
│ 0x000f57c4 2c308de5 str r3, [sp + local_2ch]
│ 0x000f57c8 0830a0e3 mov r3, 8
│ 0x000f57cc 0060a0e3 mov r6, 0
│ 0x000f57d0 30308de5 str r3, [sp + local_30h]
│ 0x000f57d4 38308de2 add r3, sp, 0x38
│ 0x000f57d8 34608de5 str r6, [sp + local_34h]
│ 0x000f57dc 470083e8 stm r3, {r0, r1, r2, r6}
│ 0x000f57e0 0100a0e3 mov r0, 1
│ 0x000f57e4 48608de5 str r6, [sp + local_48h]
│ 0x000f57e8 4c608de5 str r6, [sp + local_4ch]
│ 0x000f57ec 5000cde5 strb r0, [sp, 0x50]
│ 0x000f57f0 0500a0e1 mov r0, r5
│ 0x000f57f4 30ae03eb bl sym.imp.swift_unknownRetain
│ 0x000f57f8 081097e5 ldr r1, [r7, 8]
│ 0x000f57fc 2c308de2 add r3, sp, 0x2c
│ 0x000f5800 0400a0e1 mov r0, r4
│ 0x000f5804 0520a0e1 mov r2, r5
│ 0x000f5808 0080a0e3 mov r8, 0
│ 0x000f580c dea400eb bl sub._b8c; sub._b8c(0x0, 0x4042f04f)
│ 0x000f5810 000058e3 cmp r8, 0
│ 0x000f5814 1cd04702 subeq sp, r7, 0x1c
│ 0x000f5818 028bbd0c vpopeq {d8}
│ 0x000f581c 0005bd08 popeq {r8, sl}
│ 0x000f5820 f080bd08 popeq {r4, r5, r6, r7, pc} ; aav.0x000cf2c0
│ 0x000f5824 2fe1ffeb bl sym.func.000edce8
│ 0x000f5828 3810a0e3 mov r1, 0x38 ; '8'
│ 0x000f582c 0320a0e3 mov r2, 3
│ 0x000f5830 0350a0e3 mov r5, 3
│ 0x000f5834 99c2ffeb bl sym.func.000e62a0; sym.func.000e62a0(0x0)
│ 0x000f5838 0040a0e1 mov r4, r0
│ 0x000f583c 000c0ce3 movw r0, 0xcc00 ; "xD"
│ 0x000f5840 0f0040e3 movt r0, 0xf
│ 0x000f5844 0610a0e3 mov r1, 6
│ 0x000f5848 00008fe0 add r0, pc, r0 ; 0x1f2450 ; "Error updating keychain - " ; str.Error_updating_keychain
Method summary:
[0x000f579c]> pds
0x000f57c0 str.SaveUser
0x000f57f4 bl sym.imp.swift_unknownRetain
0x000f580c bl sub._b8c
0x000f5824 bl sym.func.000edce8
0x000f5834 bl sym.func.000e62a0
0x000f5848 str.Error_updating_keychain
0x000f5868 bl sym.func.000f0e34
Things to notice here:
: ; CALL XREF from sub.objc_retain_fe0 (0xf5080)
and sym.func.000e62a0
and sym.func.000f0e34
Error updating keychain -
So we can guess that it tries to update the Keychain here.
Now that we see this string Error updating keychain -
… Imagine we haven’t started by looking at the classes (ic
) but by looking at the strings (iz
), which is also a very common approach. How would we find our way here? Just by finding out where this string is being used. Yes, cross-references:
1530 0x001ee330 0x001f2330 37 38 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii _TtC11iGoat_Swift18KeychainExerciseVC
1533 0x001ee380 0x001f2380 39 40 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii Error reading password from keychain -
1535 0x001ee3b0 0x001f23b0 154 155 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii /Users/swaroop.yermalkar/AWS/iGoat-Swift-master/iGoat-Swift/iGoat-Swift/Source/Exercises/InsecureLocalDataStorage/KeychainAnalyze/KeychainExerciseVC.swift
1536 0x001ee450 0x001f2450 26 27 (4.__TEXT.__cstring) ascii Error updating keychain -
axt @ 0x001f2450
sub.SaveUser_79c 0xf5848 [DATA] add r0, pc, r0
We have only scratched the surface on reversing iOS Swift apps with radare2. We could at least find our way in and get to the methods we were interested in.
In future articles we will learn more about how to obtain more useful information by using other r2 tooling and some combinations of tools (have I heard frida?).
If you have comments, feedback or questions feel free to reach me on Twitter :)